In order to mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2018 we are sharing some stories from our singers in regard to how being a member of the choir has a positive impact on their health.
Here is Jane’s Story:
“I joined the choir soon after experiencing several significant bereavements in a very short time. Listening to music, and then making music, with other people through the choir, was key to my grieving process, being able to accept the situation I was in and then move on with life. Where I had been feeling so sad, choir was instrumental in me being able to access joy again and that spilled out in to my life in general. I have some issues with anxiety: anxious thoughts which create physical symptoms which add to the cycle of worry. At choir, I am distracted, engaged, thoughtful, concentrating and am not bothered by the thoughts and physical sensations. I am relaxed and worry free and it is wonderful! The same happens when I am practising at home. I believe very strongly that choir helps me hugely with this issue. I would go so far as to say it is essential to my mental well being and am very grateful to be a part of it and have such fun.“