At the end of the Summer Term 2016 our singers were asked what the best part of singing with Victoria Park Singers was. This is what they said…
“The people are amazing, and I’ve been lucky enough to make some really great friends. When we are doing pieces we know really well I absolutely love the music and the singing – you can get such a rush from being in harmony with others and coming together to produce a beautiful sound. When we are struggling with harder pieces though, I admit that what keeps me coming back is definitely the social side. The pub is great, I like the rehearsal room and I love the sense of community when we all go for a drink afterwards. I enjoy performing too, more than I thought I would.”
“The people make the choir what it is. I love our rehearsal space as it encourages people to stay for a drink after and get to know one another. We get on and help one another too.”
“Being part of a group which works together to create music. Another great thing is it’s one evening of mindfulness – you concentrate on the music and on singing rather than worries about work / what to eat when you get home / not doing enough exercise / etc…!”
“The teamwork; having a common goal and work together to meet it. The gratification that derives from the hard work (which is never too hard) is immense.”
“An escape from the realities of normal life – the camaraderie – and getting to know the east end and its people much better from all the new faces and places we get to sing at.”
“It’s just brilliant! The singing, the pieces we choose, the way we are all pushed a little beyond our limits. It is a great mix of fun and serious. It’s obvious that although you don’t have to audition, you don’t really need that, as it is disciplined and you are required to practice and focus. So that means anyone not dedicated or team focussed enough would leave. And it’s not so hard that amateurs can’t master things (with practice!).”
“The combination of (1) a beautiful selection of musical pieces (without fear of a challenge), (2) serious dedication to doing the music justice with our singing, and (3) fun.”
“It has improved my quality of life! I enjoy both the singing and the socialising. I am surprised how challenging the repertoire has been, and I think Hannah has true talent in directing us.”